Developing professionally in the health and fitness industry since 2010, I have been privileged with the mentors and teachers that have moulded me thus far. I was taught the same way many industries operate, that your hourly rate is indicative of the value you provide someone. In the personal training space, the general advice I got was this:
"Set your base amount, and each time you take a course or pick up a new expense or skill, you increase your service price to reflect the knowledge and experience you have attained & match your new value."
That way works yet favours the services of "better" trainers to only work with those who can financially afford it. I believe that everybody deserves the right to knowledge; therefore, that did not sit right in my stomach, and I learned that if I could create leverage, I could avoid the price hikes and not limit my time to the financially elite. Mentors that I recommend and who helped me develop the mindset for this method:
Robert Kiyosaki
Jim Rohn
Simon Sinek
Darren Hardy
and lastly, the feedback from you, the customer. Without your continued belief in my offerings and helping keep my service price down by wearing the apparel, recommending my services, purchasing the extra information. Legends like you make this system work and allow affordable knowledge for those who want to learn.​
Like my grandfather, I am a Personal Trainer; my occupation and passion motivate and teach the power of movement, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. As aforementioned, I hope the days of exorbitant fees for a fitness professional are behind us. I am a student of the human body and our ability to enhance all aspects of our body. Be wise and let my lifetime of foolish mistakes become known to you so that you can move past them, and let the knowledge that I have absorbed from the people before me fast track your journey to your goals.
Below is my marketing funnel. The simplicity of this funnel, with the discipline of committing to its structures, allows these products to keep developing & improving. Chipping away at the content on my channels enables me to manage my time without burning out and effectively continue to impact the most lives possible to affect the most significant change.
Most people see and can learn for free. Requiring minimal time to set up, I dedicate a few hours a week to add content to platforms.
Gold mine information that I've learnt and packaged to teach anyone that wants it conveniently.
Trialled and tested, then packaged together to help others that also want to achieve results.
Most of my time goes and what I learn in doing so will filter back up into the above categories to continually enhance my product and value.
Content captured & turned into small bites of information or knowledge to be implemented by the viewer. These two categories are available to anyone. Most are free, and the ones I charge for are full of information that cost me years and hundreds of dollars to gain and put the information together.
My day to day; what happens here is much brainstorming, then implementation, which aids in the future development of new products and free content. This is where I trade my time for money and am actively in peoples lives, helping them achieve better health and fitness.